- Read submissions up to date.
2. Respond to submissions.
3. MyHermes to go.
4. Legal deposits etc for ICO.
5. Take decisions.
7. Get cover designs sorted for Cursive.
8. Go to the dentist (don’t be late).
9. Clean teeth properly (do this before 8)
10. Try to be less subversive.
11. Filing for accounts & more.
12. Organise Michael Marks entry.
13. Sort out last month’s competition.
15. Meet Helen: Cocoa Tree REMEMBER.
16. Update events page, August, September.
17. Think about Xmas event at SPL: another decision.
18. Do A.I. for Stephen’s book.
20. Continue writing new enlarged even more useful version of How Not To.
22. Got to get to the egg lady, got to!
23. Write July newsletter & print flyers (a lot).
24. Make flyers to go in with mailshot.
25. Book train to Lumb.
26. Order more logs.
27. [Do not buy more buttons on Ebay: you don’t NEED them.]
28. Get birdseed for goldfinches & bullfinches & feed them.
29. Write blog.
30. Think about starting another list.