- Read submissions up to date.
2. Respond to submissions.
3. MyHermes to go.
4. Legal deposits etc for ICO.
5. Take decisions.
7. Get cover designs sorted for Cursive.
8. Go to the dentist (don’t be late).
9. Clean teeth properly (do this before 8)
10. Try to be less subversive.
11. Filing for accounts & more.
12. Organise Michael Marks entry.
13. Sort out last month’s competition.
15. Meet Helen: Cocoa Tree REMEMBER.
16. Update events page, August, September.
17. Think about Xmas event at SPL: another decision.
18. Do A.I. for Stephen’s book.
20. Continue writing new enlarged even more useful version of How Not To.
22. Got to get to the egg lady, got to!
23. Write July newsletter & print flyers (a lot).
24. Make flyers to go in with mailshot.
25. Book train to Lumb.
26. Order more logs.
27. [Do not buy more buttons on Ebay: you don’t NEED them.]
28. Get birdseed for goldfinches & bullfinches & feed them.
29. Write blog.
30. Think about starting another list.
Intrigued by number 22 🙂
strike out number ten
Nell – nothing to do with poetry, but don’t you have grey squirrels in Fife? Our Devon ones would have trashed your bird-feeding arrangements in a minute! Or do you have a secret?
submissions? competition? What have I missed? And please don’t even attempt to be less subversive…
Loved link to ‘The art of list-making’ in penultimate item – for which I thank you!
I’ve refused to strike out number ten, because that’s even [i]more[/i] subversive. However, I should have ticked number 29 as Done. 🙂
We have one grey squirrel who sometimes visits, Jenny, but I think he’s scared off by the magpies. Who don’t bother the small birds much except when there are eggs in their nests, and even then, most of them seem to do quite well. A whole family of bullfinches just now feeding on the path – and we’ve never had them before! And a new family of hedgehogs eating the birdseed after dark. Better than the cinema.
No! It would spoil the rhyme scheme. Just substitute “more” for “less”.
I’m going to try rhyming lists too. Now, what rhymes with “yoghourt”?
I must confess
I hadn’t ever come across
a rhyming to-do list!
If you persist
I think you may well
invent a new genre
which we should not fail
to learn!