Second Post

The date on the first post wasn’t the date it was actually written. It’s too complicated for me to explain why — besides it’s Hallowe’en. Anything could happen and anybody could arrive at the door at any minute.

The date on the first post wasn’t the date it was actually written. It’s too complicated for me to explain why — besides it’s Hallowe’en. Anything could happen and anybody could arrive at the door at any minute.

Suffice it to say, the blog has arrived. It will not be very blogg-ish. But it will update what’s going on with HappenStance publications. It may also include some of my moans and groans, but at least they will be poetically expressed.

This weekend, The HappenStance Story Chapter 3 is to be completed somehow. Martin Reed’s forthcoming chapbook has now got a title: The Two-Coat Man. It’s not far from finished.

Gillian is thinking about The Two-Coat Man‘s cover design from some place in the depths of Forres where Jamie is playing a gig…

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