This is announcing a page, a presence, a mini-blag of bloggery, a little log of loggery, an amateur fog of foggery. But it is not a forgery.
In progress at HappenStance: Chapter 3 of the HappenStance Story and a new chapbook by Martin Reed. There will also be a meta-story (story about the story) about D A Prince’s book Nearly the Happy Hour by Colin Begg. Colin observed and commented on the process behind this publication as part of the work for his M Litt and has agreed to share the results with you. It’s lively, interesting and objective. Also it will quite soon be available as a free download. But not quite yet…
This weekend in the UK the hour changes. That is to say, there is an hour’s extra sleep on Saturday night, which is very welcome since we are approaching peak hibernation instinct. It’s been dark lately anyway, and wild and windy in Scotland. Anybody in their right mind would like an extra hour in bed once a year…